Saint Nicholas offers a variety of extracurricular and co-curricular events for our students. From May Crowning to playing on one of our sports teams, there is something for everyone.
School Celebrations:
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
All Saints’ Day Parade
Book Fair
Catholic Schools’ Week
Winter Sports:
Boy’s Basketball - grades 3-8
Girl’s Basketball - grades 3-8
Grandparents’ Day and Spring Spring
MLK Jr. Assembly
Veteran’s Day Assembly
School Sports:
Fall Sports:
Flag Football - Boys grades 5-8
Volleyball - Girls grades 3-8
Friday Art Club
Christmas Program
Epiphany Party
Field Trips
Food Bank Fundraiser
Spring Sports:
Cross Country - grades 3-8
Track - grades 3-8
Bricks for Kids
Maritime Festival & Blessing of the Fleet
Movie Nights
Rainier’s Game
Del Garber Golf Tournament
Guardian Angel Color Run
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner
DREAM Auction
School Clubs:
Chess Club
School Community:
Family Bingo Night
Father & Daughter Dance
Food Bank Fundraiser