School commission meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Monday of each month.
Our next Commission meeting is Monday, March 10, 2025 from 5:30 to 7:00pm in the 6th grade classroom. Follow this link to join us virtually for public comments. Please advise the School Commission by email no later than Friday morning, the week before the meeting if you wish to address the commission.
School Commission Purpose
The School Commission is a consultative board that works with the principal, pastoral leader, and school parents/guardians in accordance with Archdiocesan policy, to assist in planning, policy development, finance, facilities development, and public relations affecting the parish school. All policies proposed by the School Commission are brought to the pastoral leader for approval. Terms are staggered to maintain stability of long-range goals and directions.
Commission members serve two (2) year terms. If you have any questions, please email the School Commission at schoolcommission@sncsgh.org.
Four non-voting members:
The Pastor (or a person appointed by the Pastor to represent him)
The School Principal
The Development Director
A Member of the Finance Council
Eight voting members:
Four parents with children currently enrolled in the school
One parent of a school graduate
Two parishioners chosen by the Pastor
PTO president
The 2024-2025 School Commission
Chairman, Rachelle Guinto-Cruz
Vice-Chairman, Casey Whitson
PTO President, Nicole Phelan
Commissioner, Carl Bentley
Commissioner, Tom Bowen
Commissioner, Kim Cummins
Commissioner, Vacant
Commissioner, Vacant
Pastor, Fr. Mark Guzman
PAA/Finance Council, Patrick Sharkey
Principal, Mrs. Kristen Morga, O.P.
Development Director, Kim James
Meetings are the 2nd Monday of the month from 5:30pm – 7:00pm at St Nicholas Catholic School. Meetings are open for public comment immediately after approval of the minutes. If you wish to address the School Commission, please advise the School Commission Chair by email no later than Friday morning, the week before the meeting.