St. Nicholas Catholic School offers a prepaid hot lunch program through Orgs Online.
Each sack or hot lunch costs $4.00 and includes milk. Pizza costs $2.00 per slice and milk is purchased separately. White milk is $0.60 and chocolate (on pizza days only) is $0.90. Milk is available for $0.60 to all students, whether or not they buy a lunch from the school. Students can bring cash to purchase milk, but lunches must be prepaid. If your student comes to school without a lunch, he or she will receive a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at no charge. At the end of the month, you will be billed for any unpaid lunch or milk purchases.
If lunches are cancelled for any reason, or if your student is on a field trip and he or she ordered lunch, you will receive a credit for that day which will be applied to the following month. If your student ordered a lunch but leaves early or misses hot lunch because of illness or vacation, you will not receive a credit.
Order your lunch plan today!
Do you have questions about our Lunch Program? Contact:
Karen Heins
(253) 858-7632