Scholastic Cash Rebate Incentive Program
The Scholastic Cash Rebate Incentive Program (SCRIP) is a very successful fundraising tool for our school. Through SCRIP, the school sells gift cards and certificates you can use as payment on everyday purchases– from groceries and gas to clothes and coffee. The school earns anywhere from 3-25% from every certificate used, depending on the agreement with the vendor.
Many local businesses participate in our SCRIP program, including Safeway, Albertsons, Starbucks, Subway, ACE Hardware, and Home Depot. Our SCRIP chair keeps local, best-selling gift cards on-hand for purchase at school and is happy to special-order any of the thousands of gift cards available through the SCRIP program.
SCRIP sales are every Tuesday and Friday in the parish hall from 8:15 to 9:00 a.m.
SCRIP sales will take place EVERY Sunday after the 8:30 mass until 10am. (SCRIP will not be sold after the 11:00 mass).
Ready to purchase SCRIP? Please use this form to make your order and bring it to one of our SCRIP volunteers!
Contact: Judy McFarland, SCRIP Committee Chair
(253) 265-3260
Raise Right Online E-cards
Register and purchase e-gift cards with RaiseRight. Our school enrollment code is 7CEALA1D3651. Please notify Judy when you make any purchases online through Raise Right to insure the cards are ordered and delivered to the front office so you can be contacted.