Volunteer Signups:
Recess and Lunch Duty
Volunteer Opportunities
St. Nicholas School values the active participation in the formation and education of our children by assisting with the vast and varied opportunities, such as student activities, school fundraising events, student services, lunch and recess help and social events sponsored by our school. Family involvement strengthens family bonds as well as community bonds and is a visual model for our children of service to others. Active participation creates a strong sense of ownership, engenders loyalty and fosters pride in the school. We welcome grandparents, extended family, parishioners, neighbors and special friends to volunteer as well. Your enthusiastic volunteerism enables us to keep operating costs low and events successful. The following are the volunteer requirements
Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, and Single Parent households - 15 hours per year
Kindergarten - 8th Grade Families - 30 hours per year
Failure to fulfill the annual commitment hour requirement will result in the assessment charge of $40/hour remaining and is due at the end of the school year.
*In lieu of this service, parents may opt to "buy out" this commitment for a stated fee, which can be confirmed by the front office.
St Nicholas is committed to keeping our students safe. All volunteers and staff are required to complete the following:
Background check every 3 years
Safe Environment Training through Virtus
Sign a policy acknowledgment
Take a Protecting God’s Children class followed by online refresher courses every 3 years
The Archdiocese of Seattle uses the VIRTUS program along with the VIRTUS database to comply with Safe Environment requirements. To read policies, sign up for Safe Environment Courses, and enter background check information, you will need to create a profile on VIRTUS.
For more information, please visit Archdiocese of Seattle Safe Environment.
As always, we thank you for your commitment to keeping our parishes and schools safe and healthy for our children, youth and vulnerable adults.
Please contact Karen Heins at kheins@sncsgh.org or 253.858.7632 for more information. You can reach out to volunteers@sncsgh.org to record your hours or inquire about any general volunteer questions.