Join Us in Forming Saints & Scholars
Annual Fund
Del Garber Golf Tournament
Guardian Angel Color Run
Scholarship Programs
Other Ways to Support Saint Nicholas Mission:
Corporate Matching Gifts
Planned Giving
Your Donation Makes a Difference
You are invited to join us for all our events in the 2024/2025 school year so make sure to save these dates!
St. Nicholas Catholic School is a Catholic community that prides itself in forming Saints and Scholars through faith, service and academic excellence. We are funded by tuition and tax-deductible giving. We preserve the mission of our school through active stewardship of our community's resources and the contributions of time, talent, and financial supports that we receive from parishioners, staff, parents, grandparents, alumni, businesses, foundations, and so many others create a successful school. We are so blessed to have your support!
St. Nicholas Catholic School is a registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Corporation. Tax ID# 91-0566267