Our Parent and Teacher Organization (PTO) plays a vital role in assuring the school fulfills its mission to our students. As a leadership body, the PTO:
Assists in school fundraising activities
Supports the staff in providing quality educational opportunities in a suitable environment
Provides a forum for parents to exchange ideas
Fosters hospitality and community among parents, students, staff, and parishioners
During the (typical) school year, PTO coordinates a variety of fundraising and community-building events, including:
Wreath Sales to support school activities (see announcement below)
Catholic Schools Week events and activities
Movie Nights
OUR 2024-2025 BOARD
Nicole Phelan, President
Margaret LaPlante, Vice President/Advisor
Sandra Estudillo, Secretary
Brian Dodson, Treasurer
Emily Mottino, Room Parent Liaison
Kelly Schipper, PTO Support
Tabitha Bohren, New Parent Ambassador
We would love to have your input on events and ideas! Please contact us at pto@sncsgh.org
From left to right: Nicole Phelan, President and Margaret LaPlante, Vice-President/Advisor
THANK YOU for supporting your St. Nicholas Catholic School PTO! This year we have a variety of fundraisers to give you many options for support -these allow us to give back to the students, teachers and school!
Restaurant Takeovers - Mention St. Nicholas Catholic School on specified takeover days and a percentage of your purchase will be donated. See our PTO upcoming events page for the restaurant takeover of the month!
Oliver's Labels - Shop now and 20% of your purchase will go toward fundraising efforts. Feel free to share the referral link with your friends!
Minted.com - Shop Cards & Gifts: PTO gets 15% back and you save 20%~ Use Code FUNDRAISESNCS
Crayola Flower Shop - (Available Year Round) Here's a fresh idea… fundraising with Crayola Flowers. Usually, when you buy flowers there’s no giveback to nonprofits. Now, anytime you need beautiful blooms for a birthday, anniversary, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, or just because, click on (and bookmark) the link below and support a great cause. Kindly forward this email to family and friends. https://www.crayolaflowers.com/st_nicholas_catholic_school_pto2586
Wreath Sales - We hope for everyone's support in our largest fundraiser of the year-the annual PTO Wreath Sales! Wreath sales fund many of the PTO requests from the teachers and school throughout the year.
- Thank you for supporting SNCS PTO! -